4 Biggest Threats to Indoor Air Quality in Mesa, AZ

Cases of poor indoor air quality are common in Mesa, AZ. Some threats are relatively harmless, unless you suffer from allergies, but others are dangerous or even fatal. Read on to learn the four biggest health threats that impact indoor air quality and what you can do to prevent them.

Everyday Irritants

Some irritants are present at a low level in all homes, regardless of their cleanliness. These particles include dust, pet dander, germs and bacteria. For the average person, these pose no health concerns. But if you have allergies or asthma, consider investing in an air-purifying solution to minimize harm.

Secondhand Smoke

Did you know that secondhand smoke contains thousands of chemical compounds, many of which are harmful to both short- and long-term health? Even small amounts of exposure potentially cause irritated eyes and throats and asthma attacks in those susceptible. Long-term exposure can lead to chronic bronchitis, wheezing and even cancer.

Toxic Gases

Sometimes, toxic gases like nitrogen dioxide seep into your home, causing health problems that may prove fatal. If your furnace in need of repair, it could leak carbon monoxide. High levels of already occurring gases like radon can also build-up. In either case, seek professional help right away.

Lead Particles

Lead is a soft and very dangerous metal that can easily become airborne and inhaled. It’s important to detect and get rid of lead as it leads to brain and organ damage and developmental difficulties in children.

The installation of a high-quality air purification system will improve the air quality within your home. If you’re interested in learning more about our leading air quality solutions, contact Air & Water Mechanical Services, LLC today. We’ll be happy to provide more information so that you and your loved ones will feel comfortable and safe at home.

Image provided by iStock

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